[PATCH 10/12] (resend) LookupAccountNameW() - handles first user account

Paul Bryan Roberts pbronline-wine at yahoo.co.uk
Tue Oct 21 01:30:06 CDT 2008

LookupAccountNameW() has a stubbed but non-empty, incomplete, buggy
implementation.  It fails a number of unit tests but Wine code relies on

This is series of patches that provide what may be a reasonable first
pass implementation of LookupAccountNameA() and LookupAccountNameW() that:

    - passes existing units tests for LookupAccountName
    - works for well known SIDs
    - works for 'first user account'
    - allows progress towards the resolution of Bug 14334

This is what we have been waiting for ...

... if the account name is that of the *nix user using Wine, then return
the 'first user account' SID and set the domain name to the computer name.

Why ?  'cos this is what I observe happens in my native Windows VM, the
final two unit test failures in test_LookupAccountName() become passes
and it allows progress on Bug 14334 (this is actually only the second of
three blocking issues for that bug).

The extra conformance test checks the case that both (local) system and
account name are passed to the routine.   Why ?  'cos there wasn't a
positive test on the system name.

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