shell32/tests: Skip interactive part of SetNameOf test on Win2k.

Nicolas Le Cam niko.lecam at
Tue Apr 7 12:15:35 CDT 2009

 dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c |   63 +++++++++++++++++++++------------------
 1 files changed, 34 insertions(+), 29 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
index 08ea9cc..cbbad01 100644
--- a/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
+++ b/dlls/shell32/tests/shlfolder.c
@@ -473,7 +473,7 @@ static void test_GetDisplayName(void)
-    if(!pSHBindToParent)
+    if (!pSHBindToParent)
         win_skip("SHBindToParent is missing\n");
@@ -482,37 +482,42 @@ static void test_GetDisplayName(void)
     /* Some tests for IShellFolder::SetNameOf */
-    hr = pSHBindToParent(pidlTestFile, &IID_IShellFolder, (VOID**)&psfPersonal, &pidlLast);
-    ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SHBindToParent failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
-    if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
-        /* It's ok to use this fixed path. Call will fail anyway. */
-        WCHAR wszAbsoluteFilename[] = { 'C',':','\\','w','i','n','e','t','e','s','t', 0 };
-        LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew;
-        /* The pidl returned through the last parameter of SetNameOf is a simple one. */
-        hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlLast, wszDirName, SHGDN_NORMAL, &pidlNew);
-        ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetNameOf failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
-        if(hr == S_OK)
-        {
-            ok (((LPITEMIDLIST)((LPBYTE)pidlNew+pidlNew->mkid.cb))->mkid.cb == 0,
-                "pidl returned from SetNameOf should be simple!\n");
-            /* Passing an absolute path to SetNameOf fails. The HRESULT code indicates that SetNameOf
-             * is implemented on top of SHFileOperation in WinXP. */
-            hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlNew, wszAbsoluteFilename,
-                    SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
-            ok (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED), "SetNameOf succeeded! hr = %08x\n", hr);
-            /* Rename the file back to its original name. SetNameOf ignores the fact, that the
-             * SHGDN flags specify an absolute path. */
-            hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlNew, wszFileName, SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
+    if (pSHGetFolderPathAndSubDirA)
+    {
+        hr = pSHBindToParent(pidlTestFile, &IID_IShellFolder, (VOID**)&psfPersonal, &pidlLast);
+        ok(SUCCEEDED(hr), "SHBindToParent failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+        if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) {
+            /* It's ok to use this fixed path. Call will fail anyway. */
+            WCHAR wszAbsoluteFilename[] = { 'C',':','\\','w','i','n','e','t','e','s','t', 0 };
+            LPITEMIDLIST pidlNew;
+            /* The pidl returned through the last parameter of SetNameOf is a simple one. */
+            hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlLast, wszDirName, SHGDN_NORMAL, &pidlNew);
             ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetNameOf failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+            if (hr == S_OK)
+            {
+                ok (((LPITEMIDLIST)((LPBYTE)pidlNew+pidlNew->mkid.cb))->mkid.cb == 0,
+                    "pidl returned from SetNameOf should be simple!\n");
+                /* Passing an absolute path to SetNameOf fails. The HRESULT code indicates that SetNameOf
+                 * is implemented on top of SHFileOperation in WinXP. */
+                hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlNew, wszAbsoluteFilename,
+                        SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
+                ok (hr == HRESULT_FROM_WIN32(ERROR_CANCELLED), "SetNameOf succeeded! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+                /* Rename the file back to its original name. SetNameOf ignores the fact, that the
+                 * SHGDN flags specify an absolute path. */
+                hr = IShellFolder_SetNameOf(psfPersonal, NULL, pidlNew, wszFileName, SHGDN_FORPARSING, NULL);
+                ok (SUCCEEDED(hr), "SetNameOf failed! hr = %08x\n", hr);
+                pILFree(pidlNew);
+            }
-            pILFree(pidlNew);
+            IShellFolder_Release(psfPersonal);
-        IShellFolder_Release(psfPersonal);
+    else
+        win_skip("Avoid needs of interaction on Win2k\n");
     /* Deleting the file and the directory */


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