rsaenh: {alloc,release}_handle_table() are not used so remove them.

Francois Gouget fgouget at
Wed Feb 4 17:13:33 CST 2009


It looks like this was a copy/paste from a generic handle table 
implementation but I could not find another copy that really looked 
similar. Anyway, we don't allocate handle tables in rsaenh so we can get 
rid of {alloc,release}_handle_table(). So I removed them. But we could 
also put them in #if 0 if there is some value in keeping the code more 
visible for future use or other copy/paste operations.

 dlls/rsaenh/handle.c |   62 +-------------------------------------------------
 dlls/rsaenh/handle.h |    2 -
 2 files changed, 1 insertions(+), 63 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/rsaenh/handle.c b/dlls/rsaenh/handle.c
index 0773813..caa4be1 100644
--- a/dlls/rsaenh/handle.c
+++ b/dlls/rsaenh/handle.c
@@ -44,10 +44,7 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(handle);
  *  lpTable [I] Pointer to the HANDLETABLE structure, which is to be initalized.
- *  Note that alloc_handle_table calls init_handle_table on it's own, which 
- *  means that you only have to call init_handle_table, if you use a global
- *  variable of type HANDLETABLE for your handle table. However, in this
- *  case you have to call destroy_handle_table when you don't need the table
+ *  You have to call destroy_handle_table when you don't need the table
  *  any more.
 void init_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable)
@@ -68,9 +65,6 @@ void init_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable)
  *  lpTable [I] Pointer to the handle table, which is to be destroyed.
- *
- *  Note that release_handle_table takes care of this.
 void destroy_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable)
@@ -146,60 +140,6 @@ static void release_all_handles(HANDLETABLE *lpTable)
- *  alloc_handle_table
- *
- * Allocates a new handle table
- * 
- *  lplpTable [O] Pointer to the variable, to which the pointer to the newly
- *                allocated handle table is written.
- *  non zero,  if successful
- *  zero,      if not successful (out of process heap memory)
- *
- *  If all you need is a single handle table, you may as well declare a global 
- *  variable of type HANDLETABLE and call init_handle_table on your own. 
- */
-int alloc_handle_table(HANDLETABLE **lplpTable)
-    TRACE("(lplpTable=%p)\n", lplpTable);
-    *lplpTable = HeapAlloc(GetProcessHeap(), 0, sizeof(HANDLETABLE));
-    if (*lplpTable) 
-    {
-        init_handle_table(*lplpTable);
-        return 1;
-    }
-    else
-        return 0;
- *  release_handle_table
- *
- * Releases a handle table and frees the resources it used.
- *
- *  lpTable [I] Pointer to the handle table, which is to be released.
- *
- *  non zero,  if successful
- *  zero,      if not successful
- *
- *   All valid handles still in the table are released also.
- */
-int release_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable) 
-    TRACE("(lpTable=%p)\n", lpTable);
-    release_all_handles(lpTable);
-    destroy_handle_table(lpTable);
-    return HeapFree(GetProcessHeap(), 0, lpTable);
  *  grow_handle_table [Internal]
  * Grows the number of entries in the given table by TABLE_SIZE_INCREMENT
diff --git a/dlls/rsaenh/handle.h b/dlls/rsaenh/handle.h
index d17afad..1d7b927 100644
--- a/dlls/rsaenh/handle.h
+++ b/dlls/rsaenh/handle.h
@@ -56,9 +56,7 @@ typedef struct tagHANDLETABLE
-int  alloc_handle_table  (HANDLETABLE **lplpTable);
 void init_handle_table   (HANDLETABLE *lpTable);
-int  release_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable);
 void destroy_handle_table(HANDLETABLE *lpTable);
 int  release_handle      (HANDLETABLE *lpTable, HCRYPTKEY handle, DWORD dwType);
 int  copy_handle         (HANDLETABLE *lpTable, HCRYPTKEY handle, DWORD dwType, HCRYPTKEY *copy);

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