[2/5] winapi_test: FIELD_ALIGNMENT() is redundant so remove it.

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Wed Jan 7 17:18:48 CST 2009

 tools/winapi/winapi_test |   16 ++++------------
 1 files changed, 4 insertions(+), 12 deletions(-)

diff --git a/tools/winapi/winapi_test b/tools/winapi/winapi_test
index d01291d..9731342 100755
--- a/tools/winapi/winapi_test
+++ b/tools/winapi/winapi_test
@@ -512,21 +512,13 @@ sub output_header($$$) {
     print OUT " */\n";
     print OUT "\n";
     print OUT "#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)\n";
-    print OUT "# define FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) __alignof(((type*)0)->field)\n";
-    print OUT "#elif defined(__GNUC__)\n";
-    print OUT "# define FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) __alignof__(((type*)0)->field)\n";
-    print OUT "#else\n";
-    print OUT "/* FIXME: Not sure if is possible to do without compiler extension */\n";
-    print OUT "#endif\n";
-    print OUT "\n";
-    print OUT "#if defined(_MSC_VER) && (_MSC_VER >= 1300) && defined(__cplusplus)\n";
     print OUT "# define _TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) __alignof(type)\n";
     print OUT "#elif defined(__GNUC__)\n";
     print OUT "# define _TYPE_ALIGNMENT(type) __alignof__(type)\n";
     print OUT "#else\n";
     print OUT "/*\n";
-    print OUT " * FIXME: Not sure if is possible to do without compiler extension\n";
-    print OUT " *        (if type is not just a name that is, if so the normal)\n";
+    print OUT " * FIXME: May not be possible without a compiler extension\n";
+    print OUT " *        (if type is not just a name that is, otherwise the normal\n";
     print OUT " *         TYPE_ALIGNMENT can be used)\n";
     print OUT " */\n";
     print OUT "#endif\n";
@@ -546,9 +538,9 @@ sub output_header($$$) {
     print OUT "\n";
     print OUT "#ifdef FIELD_ALIGNMENT\n";
     print OUT "# define TEST_FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field, align) \\\n";
-    print OUT "   ok(FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field) == align, \\\n";
+    print OUT "   ok(_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(((type*)0)->field) == align, \\\n";
     print OUT "       \"FIELD_ALIGNMENT(\" #type \", \" #field \") == %d (expected \" #align \")\\n\", \\\n";
-    print OUT "           (int)FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field))\n";
+    print OUT "           (int)_TYPE_ALIGNMENT(((type*)0)->field))\n";
     print OUT "#else\n";
     print OUT "# define TEST_FIELD_ALIGNMENT(type, field, align) do { } while (0)\n";
     print OUT "#endif\n";

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