[PATCH 3/4] inetcpl: Display description and security level for a zone

Detlef Riekenberg wine.dev at web.de
Tue Apr 12 22:33:49 CDT 2011

Changing and saving the security level is not enabled yet.
I want to do more testing for that code, before i send the
related patch.

By by ... Detlef
 dlls/inetcpl.cpl/cpl_En.rc  |    6 ++
 dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.h  |   18 ++++++
 dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc |    9 +++-
 dlls/inetcpl.cpl/security.c |  126 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--
 4 files changed, 154 insertions(+), 5 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/cpl_En.rc b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/cpl_En.rc
index cd7f5f5..296864f 100644
--- a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/cpl_En.rc
+++ b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/cpl_En.rc
@@ -77,6 +77,12 @@ BEGIN
     CONTROL     "Listview", IDC_SEC_LISTVIEW, "SysListView32",
                 4, 4, 312, 58
+    LTEXT       "", IDC_SEC_ZONE_INFO, 4, 68, 312, 20
+    GROUPBOX    "", IDC_SEC_GROUP, 4, 88, 312, 126
+    CONTROL     "trackbar", IDC_SEC_TRACKBAR, "msctls_trackbar32",
+                TBS_VERT | TBS_AUTOTICKS | TBS_BOTH | TBS_REVERSED, 8, 98, 32, 100
+    LTEXT       "", IDC_SEC_LEVEL, 48, 102, 180, 12
+    LTEXT       "", IDC_SEC_LEVEL_INFO, 48, 114, 260, 80
 /* "Content" propsheet */
diff --git a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.h b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.h
index 1797b49..bd1e55a 100644
--- a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.h
+++ b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.h
@@ -58,6 +58,19 @@ static inline BOOL heap_free( void *mem )
 /* strings */
 #define IDS_CPL_NAME        1
 #define IDS_CPL_INFO        2
+#define IDS_SEC_SETTINGS    0x10
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL0      0x100
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL1      0x101
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL2      0x102
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL3      0x103
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL4      0x104
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL5      0x105
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL0_INFO 0x200
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL1_INFO 0x210
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL2_INFO 0x220
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL3_INFO 0x230
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL4_INFO 0x240
+#define IDS_SEC_LEVEL5_INFO 0x250
 /* dialogs */
 #define IDC_STATIC          -1
@@ -79,6 +92,11 @@ static inline BOOL heap_free( void *mem )
 #define IDD_SECURITY        2000
 #define IDC_SEC_LISTVIEW    2001
+#define IDC_SEC_ZONE_INFO   2002
+#define IDC_SEC_GROUP       2003
+#define IDC_SEC_TRACKBAR    2004
+#define IDC_SEC_LEVEL       2005
+#define IDC_SEC_LEVEL_INFO  2006
 #define IDD_CONTENT         4000
 #define IDC_CERT            4100
diff --git a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc
index 53d84c0..0c42d9f 100644
--- a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc
+++ b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/inetcpl.rc
     IDS_CPL_NAME        "Internet Settings"
-    IDS_CPL_INFO        "Configure Wine Internet Browser and related settings" 
+    IDS_CPL_INFO        "Configure Wine Internet Browser and related settings"
+    IDS_SEC_SETTINGS    "Security settings for zone: "
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL0      "Custom"
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL1      "Very Low"
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL2      "Low"
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL3      "Medium"
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL4      "Increased"
+    IDS_SEC_LEVEL5      "High"
diff --git a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/security.c b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/security.c
index 1aa29a5..1187185 100644
--- a/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/security.c
+++ b/dlls/inetcpl.cpl/security.c
@@ -44,15 +44,112 @@ WINE_DEFAULT_DEBUG_CHANNEL(inetcpl);
 typedef struct secdlg_data_s {
     HWND hsec;  /* security propsheet */
     HWND hlv;   /* listview */
+    HWND htb;   /* trackbar */
     IInternetSecurityManager *sec_mgr;
     IInternetZoneManager *zone_mgr;
     DWORD zone_enumerator;
     DWORD num_zones;
     ZONEATTRIBUTES *zone_attr;
     DWORD *zones;
+    DWORD *levels;
     HIMAGELIST himages;
+    DWORD last_lv_index;
+    DWORD last_level;
 } secdlg_data;
+static WCHAR spaceW[] = {' ',0};
+static DWORD url_templates[] = {URLTEMPLATE_CUSTOM,
+                                URLTEMPLATE_LOW,
+                                URLTEMPLATE_MEDLOW,
+                                URLTEMPLATE_MEDIUM,
+                                URLTEMPLATE_MEDHIGH,
+                                URLTEMPLATE_HIGH};
+ * index_from_urltemplate [internal]
+ *
+ */
+static DWORD index_from_urltemplate(URLTEMPLATE value)
+    DWORD index = sizeof(url_templates) / sizeof(url_templates[0]);
+    while((index > 0) && (url_templates[index-1] != value))
+        index--;
+    index--; /* table entries are 0 based */
+    if (!index && value)
+        FIXME("URLTEMPLATE 0x%x not supported\n", value);
+    TRACE("URLTEMPLATE 0x%08x=> Level %d\n", value, index);
+    return index;
+ * update_security_level [internal]
+ *
+ */
+static void update_security_level(secdlg_data *sd, DWORD lv_index, DWORD tb_index)
+    WCHAR name[512];
+    DWORD current_index;
+    TRACE("(%p, lv_index: %u, tb_index: %u)\n", sd, lv_index, tb_index);
+    if ((sd->levels[lv_index] != sd->last_level) || (tb_index > 0)) {
+        /* show or hide the trackbar */
+        if (!sd->levels[lv_index] || !sd->last_level)
+            ShowWindow(sd->htb, sd->levels[lv_index] ? SW_NORMAL : SW_HIDE);
+        current_index = (tb_index > 0) ? tb_index : index_from_urltemplate(sd->levels[lv_index]);
+        name[0] = 0;
+        LoadStringW(hcpl, IDS_SEC_LEVEL0 + current_index, name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]));
+        TRACE("new level #%d: %s\n", current_index, debugstr_w(name));
+        SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(sd->hsec, IDC_SEC_LEVEL), name);
+        name[0] = 0;
+        LoadStringW(hcpl, IDS_SEC_LEVEL0_INFO + (current_index * 0x10), name, sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]));
+        TRACE("new level info: %s\n", debugstr_w(name));
+        SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(sd->hsec, IDC_SEC_LEVEL_INFO), name);
+        if (current_index)
+            SendMessageW(sd->htb, TBM_SETPOS, TRUE, NUM_TRACKBAR_POS - current_index);
+        sd->last_level = sd->levels[lv_index];
+    }
+ * update_zone_info [internal]
+ *
+ */
+static void update_zone_info(secdlg_data *sd, DWORD lv_index)
+    ZONEATTRIBUTES *za = &sd->zone_attr[lv_index];
+    WCHAR name[MAX_PATH];
+    DWORD len;
+    SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(sd->hsec, IDC_SEC_ZONE_INFO), za->szDescription);
+    name[0] = ' ';
+    name[1] = 0;
+    LoadStringW(hcpl, IDS_SEC_SETTINGS, &name[1], sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]) - 3);
+    len = lstrlenW(name);
+    lstrcpynW(&name[len], za->szDisplayName, sizeof(name)/sizeof(name[0]) - len - 3);
+    lstrcatW(name, spaceW);
+    TRACE("new title: %s\n", debugstr_w(name));
+    SetWindowTextW(GetDlgItem(sd->hsec, IDC_SEC_GROUP), name);
+    update_security_level(sd, lv_index, 0);
+    sd->last_lv_index = lv_index;
  * add_zone_to_listview [internal]
@@ -87,6 +184,8 @@ static void add_zone_to_listview(secdlg_data *sd, DWORD *pindex, DWORD zone)
+        sd->levels[lv_index] = za->dwTemplateCurrentLevel;
         lvitem.mask = LVIF_TEXT | LVIF_IMAGE | LVIF_PARAM;
         lvitem.iItem = lv_index;
         lvitem.iSubItem = 0;
@@ -122,6 +221,8 @@ static void add_zone_to_listview(secdlg_data *sd, DWORD *pindex, DWORD zone)
                 lvitem.state = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED;
                 lvitem.stateMask = LVIS_FOCUSED | LVIS_SELECTED;
                 SendMessageW(sd->hlv, LVM_SETITEMSTATE, 0, (LPARAM) &lvitem);
+                sd->last_level = ~0;
+                update_zone_info(sd, lv_index);
@@ -213,6 +314,14 @@ static INT_PTR security_on_initdialog(HWND hsec)
     sd->hsec = hsec;
     sd->hlv = GetDlgItem(hsec, IDC_SEC_LISTVIEW);
+    sd->htb = GetDlgItem(hsec, IDC_SEC_TRACKBAR);
+    EnableWindow(sd->htb, FALSE); /* not changeable yet */
+    TRACE("(%p)   (data: %p, listview: %p, trackbar: %p)\n", hsec, sd, sd->hlv, sd->htb);
+    SendMessageW(sd->htb, TBM_SETRANGE, FALSE, MAKELONG(0, NUM_TRACKBAR_POS - 1));
+    SendMessageW(sd->htb, TBM_SETTICFREQ, 1, 0 );
     /* Create the image lists for the listview */
     sd->himages = ImageList_Create(GetSystemMetrics(SM_CXICON), GetSystemMetrics(SM_CYICON), ILC_COLOR32 | ILC_MASK, 1, 1);
@@ -240,12 +349,13 @@ static INT_PTR security_on_initdialog(HWND hsec)
         return FALSE;
-    /* remember zone number for a listview entry */
-    sd->zones = heap_alloc(sizeof(DWORD) * sd->num_zones);
+    /* remember zone number and current security level for a listview entry */
+    sd->zones = heap_alloc((sizeof(DWORD) + sizeof(DWORD)) * sd->num_zones);
     if (!sd->zones) {
         return FALSE;
+    sd->levels = &sd->zones[sd->num_zones];
     /* use the same order as visible with native inetcpl.cpl */
     add_zone_to_listview(sd, &lv_index, URLZONE_INTERNET);
@@ -271,13 +381,21 @@ static INT_PTR security_on_initdialog(HWND hsec)
  * handle WM_NOTIFY
-static INT_PTR security_on_notify(WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
+static INT_PTR security_on_notify(secdlg_data *sd, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lparam)
     NMLISTVIEW *nm;
     nm = (NMLISTVIEW *) lparam;
     switch (nm->hdr.code)
+        case LVN_ITEMCHANGED:
+            TRACE("LVN_ITEMCHANGED (0x%lx, 0x%lx) from %p with code: %d (item: %d, uNewState: %u)\n",
+                    wparam, lparam, nm->hdr.hwndFrom, nm->hdr.code, nm->iItem, nm->uNewState);
+            if ((nm->uNewState & LVIS_SELECTED) == LVIS_SELECTED) {
+                update_zone_info(sd, nm->iItem);
+            }
+            break;
         case PSN_APPLY:
             TRACE("PSN_APPLY (0x%lx, 0x%lx) from %p with code: %d\n", wparam, lparam,
                     nm->hdr.hwndFrom, nm->hdr.code);
@@ -308,7 +426,7 @@ INT_PTR CALLBACK security_dlgproc(HWND hwnd, UINT msg, WPARAM wparam, LPARAM lpa
         switch (msg)
             case WM_NOTIFY:
-                return security_on_notify(wparam, lparam);
+                return security_on_notify(sd, wparam, lparam);
             case WM_NCDESTROY:
                 return security_on_destroy(sd);

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