advapi32: Report world-access ownership by default for registry objects (try 2).

Erich E. Hoover ehoover at
Tue Feb 12 18:12:11 CST 2013

The attached patch fixes an issue where the Opera installer expects
registry keys to return ownership information (Bug #32904), concluding
the cleanup of [Get|Set]NamedSecurityInfo.  This patch addresses the
issue by ensuring that NULL owner and group information is never
returned for registry keys and instead returns the World SID (S-1-1-0)
when this information is unavailable, which is sufficient to keep the
Opera installer from encountering an error.  The included test shows
that this behavior is essentially the case for system keys on Windows,
though the Administrators SID is returned instead.  Since
GetNamedSecurityInfo historically returned the World SID, and several
other routines use it as well) I've opted to use the World SID for

It's worth noting that in my previous patch I mistakenly thought that
the problem was that the DACL needed to be returned, but further
testing has shown that the Opera installer is _just_ expecting the
owner and group SIDs to be filled in.
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