[PATCH 1/3] quartz: Add initial support for IGraphVersion in IFilterGraphImpl

Alessandro Pignotti alessandro at agawi.io
Fri Feb 22 07:13:30 CST 2013

This patchset enable proper support for modifying the filter graph while
doing an enumeration of the filters. As described in
28v=vs.85%29.aspx the IEnumFilter::Next operation should return
VFW_E_ENUM_OUT_OF_SYNC and the IEnumFilter::Reset should be able to
restore/reset the functionality of the enumerator.

To achieve this I've added support for the IGraphVersion interface to
IGraphFilter and I've modified IEnumFilterImpl to store pointers to the
data stored inside the IGraphFilterImpl. I'm not sure that this solution
is the best one, since now IEnumFilterImpl and IGraphFilterImpl are
tightly coupled. I don't think there is a public interface to load the
updated filter list in an already existing enumerator. A possible
solution would be to create a new enumerator using the public interface
and then forward all the request to the new enumerator, but I don't like
this solution much either.

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