[PATCH 1/3] quartz: Use the moniker to create the filter directly

Alessandro Pignotti alexpigna.dev at gmail.com
Thu Feb 28 05:57:13 CST 2013

Hi everyone,

Currently to create a filter instance from an enumerated IMoniker the
following process is used

1) IMoniker_BindToStorage is used to get an IPropertyBag
2) The CLSID of the object is extracted from the property bag
3) An instance is created using CoCreateInstance

The problem is that it's not guaranteed that every filter as a CLSID in
the property bag, for example windows media player DMOs do not have it.

This patches solves the issue by using IMoniker_BindToObject directly to
create the filters, and using IBaseFilter_GetClassID when the filter
class id is actually needed.
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