ntdll/tests: Fix compilation on systems that don't support nameless unions. (rediffed)

Francois Gouget fgouget at free.fr
Fri Sep 13 03:49:55 CDT 2013


That tree was a bit out of date causing the patch to fail to apply. I 
updated it and rediffed.

 dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c | 102 ++++++++++++++++++++++++------------------------
 1 file changed, 51 insertions(+), 51 deletions(-)

diff --git a/dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c b/dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c
index 0b2a764..6bbf3be 100644
--- a/dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c
+++ b/dlls/ntdll/tests/file.c
@@ -1930,54 +1930,54 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
     LARGE_INTEGER offset;
     LONG i;
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtReadFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH || status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, "expected STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtWriteFile(INVALID_HANDLE_VALUE, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH || status == STATUS_INVALID_HANDLE, "expected STATUS_OBJECT_TYPE_MISMATCH, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     hfile = create_temp_file(0);
     if (!hfile) return;
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, NULL, sizeof(contents), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_USER_BUFFER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_USER_BUFFER, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, NULL, sizeof(contents), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, "expected STATUS_ACCESS_VIOLATION, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, 7, NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtWriteFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 7, "expected 7, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-1 /* FILE_WRITE_TO_END_OF_FILE */;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents + 7, sizeof(contents) - 7, &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtWriteFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == sizeof(contents) - 7, "expected sizeof(contents)-7, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
@@ -2003,34 +2003,34 @@ static void test_read_write(void)
         if (i == -2) continue;
-        iob.Status = -1;
+        U(iob).Status = -1;
         iob.Information = -1;
         offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)i;
         status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, sizeof(contents), &offset, NULL);
         ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
-        ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+        ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
         ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
     SetFilePointer(hfile, sizeof(contents) - 4, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-2 /* FILE_USE_FILE_POINTER_POSITION */;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, "DCBA", 4, &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtWriteFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 4, "expected 4, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 0, "expected 0, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
@@ -2058,12 +2058,12 @@ todo_wine
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 0, "expected 0, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
@@ -2071,22 +2071,22 @@ todo_wine
         if (i == -2) continue;
-        iob.Status = -1;
+        U(iob).Status = -1;
         iob.Information = -1;
         offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)i;
         status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
         ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
-        ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+        ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
         ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-2 /* FILE_USE_FILE_POINTER_POSITION */;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 0, "expected 0, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
@@ -2102,44 +2102,44 @@ todo_wine
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 0, "expected 0, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtReadFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     ok(!memcmp(contents, buf, sizeof(contents)), "file contents mismatch\n");
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = sizeof(contents) - 4;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, "DCBA", 4, &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtWriteFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 4, "expected 4, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "NtReadFile error %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     ok(!memcmp(contents, buf, sizeof(contents) - 4), "file contents mismatch\n");
     ok(!memcmp(buf + sizeof(contents) - 4, "DCBA", 4), "file contents mismatch\n");
@@ -2189,11 +2189,11 @@ todo_wine
     ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
     ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %u\n", bytes);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, sizeof(contents), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
     for (i = -20; i < -1; i++)
@@ -2201,33 +2201,33 @@ todo_wine
         /* FIXME: Remove once Wine is fixed */
         if (i == -2) continue;
-        iob.Status = -1;
+        U(iob).Status = -1;
         iob.Information = -1;
         offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)i;
         status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, sizeof(contents), &offset, NULL);
         ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
-        ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+        ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
         ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-2 /* FILE_USE_FILE_POINTER_POSITION */;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, sizeof(contents), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, contents, sizeof(contents), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_PENDING || broken(status == STATUS_SUCCESS) /* see below */, "expected STATUS_PENDING, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     /* even fully updated XP passes this test, but it looks like some VMs
      * in a testbot get never updated, so overlapped IO is broken. Instead
@@ -2255,21 +2255,21 @@ todo_wine
     ok(GetLastError() == ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected ERROR_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %d\n", GetLastError());
     ok(bytes == 0, "bytes %u\n", bytes);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), NULL, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
     for (i = -20; i < 0; i++)
-        iob.Status = -1;
+        U(iob).Status = -1;
         iob.Information = -1;
         offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)i;
         status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
         ok(status == STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, "%d: expected STATUS_INVALID_PARAMETER, got %#x\n", i, status);
-        ok(iob.Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+        ok(U(iob).Status == -1, "expected -1, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
         ok(iob.Information == -1, "expected -1, got %ld\n", iob.Information);
@@ -2313,12 +2313,12 @@ todo_wine
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == 0, "expected 0, got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = sizeof(contents);
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_PENDING, "expected STATUS_PENDING, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_END_OF_FILE, "expected STATUS_END_OF_FILE, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 0, "expected 0, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
@@ -2326,7 +2326,7 @@ todo_wine
     S(U(ovl)).Offset = offset.u.LowPart;
     S(U(ovl)).OffsetHigh = offset.u.HighPart;
-    ovl.Internal = iob.Status;
+    ovl.Internal = U(iob).Status;
     ovl.InternalHigh = iob.Information;
     ovl.hEvent = 0;
     bytes = 0xdeadbeef;
@@ -2372,12 +2372,12 @@ todo_wine
     SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_BEGIN);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = (LONGLONG)-1 /* FILE_WRITE_TO_END_OF_FILE */;
     status = pNtWriteFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, "DCBA", 4, &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_PENDING || broken(status == STATUS_SUCCESS) /* before Vista */, "expected STATUS_PENDING, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == 4, "expected 4, got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
@@ -2389,12 +2389,12 @@ todo_wine
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);
     ok(off == 0, "expected 0, got %u\n", off);
-    iob.Status = -1;
+    U(iob).Status = -1;
     iob.Information = -1;
     offset.QuadPart = 0;
     status = pNtReadFile(hfile, 0, NULL, NULL, &iob, buf, sizeof(buf), &offset, NULL);
     ok(status == STATUS_PENDING, "expected STATUS_PENDING, got %#x\n", status);
-    ok(iob.Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", iob.Status);
+    ok(U(iob).Status == STATUS_SUCCESS, "expected STATUS_SUCCESS, got %#x\n", U(iob).Status);
     ok(iob.Information == sizeof(contents), "expected sizeof(contents), got %lu\n", iob.Information);
     off = SetFilePointer(hfile, 0, NULL, FILE_CURRENT);

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