Juno1.49/Juno Pine/Junowine

Clark Grizzwald Clark.Grizzwald at f745.n202.z1.fidonet.org
Fri Apr 13 09:01:37 CDT 2001

Thanks for the links to junowine/junopine. I located a copy of Juno
v.1.49 on a website which also had v.1.00 if you can believe that! :) I
couldn't find the v.2.0.x you mentioned, but 1.49 should work I gather.
Juno's website states (in my own words) they no longer offer older
versions of their email client for d/l, nor do they support them. They
still work, however. I don't have an exact link to 1.49, sorry, but you
can locate it (and v1.00) by doing some searching on google.com for
Juno 1.49. If you still can't find it, let me know and i'll try and dig
up the exact location.
Thanks again!

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