WND structures

giorgian giorgian at icube.it
Sun Aug 12 09:04:38 CDT 2001

hi all,
executing a certain program with wine, we get several crashes, in the 
RDW_UpdateRgns function (winetop/windows/painting.c) and in a DLL of the 
program itself.

the program always crashes after the creation of a subwindow, and the
problem appears to be the same, that is, somewhere before the crash the 
window tree structure gets corrupted.

in order to find the exact point in which this happens, is there a 
better method than running the program step by step and *manually* check 
the windows structure? in other words, is there any tool to 
automatically check them?


pietro giorgianni (giorgian at icube.it)
Icube s.r.l.
via Ridolfi 15, Pisa (PI) - Italy

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