WineLib Warning?

eric pouech eric.pouech at
Wed Aug 15 05:38:13 CDT 2001

Jussi Jumppanen wrote:
> When compiling the following line of code using WineLib 20010731
> you get a warning message.
>   // generates a warning
>   CompareString(LOCALE_USER_DEFAULT, dwFlags, s1, -1, s2, -1);
> These warning relates to the defines found in
> include/winbase.h file where we have:
> In the Borland 5.2 include file these API's are defined as:
>  int WINAPI CompareStringA(LCID, DWORD, LPCSTR, int, LPCSTR, int);
>  int WINAPI CompareStringW(LCID, DWORD, LPCSTR, int, LPCSTR, int);
> and this is what the Borland Windows SDK help file says:
>   int CompareString(
>       LCID  Locale,
>       DWORD  dwCmpFlags,
>       LPCTSTR  lpString1,
>       int  cchCount1,
>       LPCTSTR  lpString2,
>       int  cchCount2
>      );
> Is the define in the Wine headers wrong?
> Regrads Jussi Jumppanen
the correct definitions should be:
int WINAPI CompareStringA(LCID, DWORD, LPCSTR, int, LPCSTR, int);
int WINAPI CompareStringW(LCID, DWORD, LPCWSTR, int, LPCSTR, int);
you can submit the patch to wine-patches
Eric Pouech (
"The future will be better tomorrow", Vice President Dan Quayle

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