Serial problem with Zworld

lawson_whitney at lawson_whitney at
Wed Dec 5 11:24:12 CST 2001

On 5 Dec 2001, Andreas Mohr Usenet 10/01 wrote:

> Pavel Troller <patrol at> wrote:
> > Hi!
> >   As I see, there is really something nasty with serial comm.
> >   - My application doesn't recognize the measuring instrument,
> > although it's able to dial it over the modem and recognizes that
> > the modem got the carrier.
> >   - Nokia Logo Manager and other tools for mobile phones don't
> >     recognize the phones connected to the serial port.
> >   - Your application doesn't recognize the Rabbit.
> >   - There is at least one more case published here that an app
> >     doesn't recognize the hardware (don't remember exactly which
> >     kind of hardware it was).
> >   It seems that there is _really_ a bug which is not visible from
> > a simple terminal program but influences complex communication.
> > Some of my ideas:
> >   - Does wine correctly pass binary data (NULs, XON/XOFs...) ?
> >   - Does overlapped duplex send/receiving work reliably ?
> Yep, both handshaking/line control and overlapped operation are (still ?)
> sort of problematic sometimes.
> Fix it ! :)
Sort of.  RTS/CTS flow control works fine.  I can't find an easy way to
specify DTR/DSR flow control to *NIX, it doesn't make any sense to me to
use both at the same time, as most windows apps seem to specify unless
we misinterpret that SetCommState arguments, and I don't think windose
actually does hardware flow control anyway.  I'm not going to buy
windose to find out, either.

Mike McCormack is working on overlapped stuff as we speak.  It's about
half done.  You sort of have overlapped IO anyway: the serial driver
will receive and buffer input if the comm port is open, whether the app
has a read in progress or not.


Half begun is well done.   - Benjamin Franklin Spooner

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