Need advice on which native dlls to try

gerard patel nomailthankyoug.patel at
Tue Feb 6 01:43:19 CST 2001

On 6 Feb 2001 00:58:15 GMT, Andreas Mohr
<aqi46g09cu001 at> wrote:

>> 0x400f5aac (X11DRV_CritSection [sysdeps.c]): addb	%al,0x0(%eax)
>Hmm, so it's X11DRV_CritSection which timeouts.
>Not that this helps us too much :-\
>You could maybe try to identify which wine process hangs.
>Debugging this is not too easy, at least not via email/news.

It would be  easier if there was some  way
to drop into the debugger when there is a critical section
timeout, no ?


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