
Ove Kaaven ovehk at
Thu Feb 15 07:33:37 CST 2001

On Thu, 15 Feb 2001, Tijl Vercaemer wrote:

>  fixme:keyboard:X11DRV_KEYBOARD_DetectLayout Your keyboard layout was
> not
> found!
> Instead of using closest match (Belgian keyboard layout) for scancode
> mapping.
> Please define your layout in windows/x11drv/keyboard.c and submit them
> to us for inclusion into future Wine releases.
> See documentation/keyboard for more information.
>     > How do i tell wine I do not want to create a new layout but i want
> to use that
> Belgian layout.

But it *does* use that layout, that's what it's saying... but it seems
someone (who obviously can't be a very good English speaker) changed the
original message "Instead using closest match" by adding an "of" in there
that shouldn't be there, changing the semantics of the sentence
completely... could someone remove that word again?

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