Lame question (Unable to generate install log file)

Tomasz Bold bold at
Mon May 14 06:21:03 CDT 2001

Hi all!
	I was trying to run win98 app under my linuxbox. i copied
installation version in my ext2 partition and then When I was trying to run
one. It complains. There appear win95 windows but inside there was
message . 'SETUP fatal error: Unable to generate installation log file.'
An the yellow triangle. (And OK button :-)). Installation can not proceed
any longer. I suppose i should do something with privileges in work dir.
But I enabled this directory to do everything.

	Can I run application when they are placed on ext2 file-system?

Thanx for help

+--|| - )OLD -------------------------------------------------+
|  || _ \_____     Tomasz Bold Univ. of Mining and Metallurgy |
|  ||___||_ __|    Krakow, Poland                             |
|        || |      e-mail : bold at                 |
|        || |      e-mail2: bold at        |
+------- ||_|OMASZ -------------------------------------------+

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