Microsoft "Windows for Linux"

Tim Smith tzs at
Sun May 13 00:03:06 CDT 2001

Nigel Feltham <nigel.feltham at> wrote:
>It would also be the start of the downfall of the company - when users 
>switch to Linux running a Microsoft compatibility layer they will realise 
>how crap MS's code really is and eventually switch all the applications to 
>native Linux software written by someone else ( openoffice or Koffice maybe 
>instead of MS office) and what would MS be able to do then.

In however many years Linux has been around, no one has managed to
produce a single good open source graphical web browser (the KDE
folks have come close...and may even be there, as I haven't seen
the latest from them).  Same with office suites.

Microsoft OS's are crap, because they have been too reluctant to
sacrifice compatibility, but their applications are not.  Note that they
dominate on the Mac, for example, without bundling and in the face of
several competitors.

--Tim Smith

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