converting windows fonts

Alexander A. Vasiljev alexvas at
Mon May 21 04:45:43 CDT 2001

	I'm newcomer here, sorry for possible offtopic.
	Well, I have successfully converted some windows fonts as it
described in 4.8.1. Font of Wine User Guide and obtained 
-windows-lingvo oem-medium-r-normal-sans-*-*-72-72-p-*-iso8859-5
as a result. But when I'm trying to run program, it still prints
fixme:font:AddFontResourceA ("C:\\Program Files\\Lingvo\\LvOemF.fon"):
	I could select converted font as "lingvo oem" in gfontsel, so, X
is OK. Could I write some alias to make the wine recognize it? Where - in
fonts.alias or ~/.wine/config? What alias name should I write there?
	thanks is advance,
	Alexander Vasiljev

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