
Lee Sau Dan sdlee at
Sat Sep 8 06:24:57 CDT 2001

>>>>> "James" == James Juran <jamesjuran at> writes:

    James> I've used the Windows version of Netscape 4.X under Wine
    James> for quite a while.  The installation works (at least enough
    James> to get it to work), and the program seems usable.  There
    James> are sometimes little graphical glitches, but it's on the
    James> whole usable enough to give it a try.

Which version of WINE did you use?

Did your WINE setting use a native Windows directory, or did you start
from a fresh, MS-less environment?

Lee Sau Dan                     §õ¦u´°(Big5)                    ~{@nJX6X~}(HZ) 
| e-mail: sdlee at            |

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