Setup exits with empty dialog box!

Robert Baruch autophile at
Thu Sep 13 18:11:00 CDT 2001

Hi all,

I'm just getting started using WINE. I set it up, and it runs the 
canonical Solitaire game just fine. My WINE config file is attached.

I popped in a Sierra Generations Family Tree Deluxe CD and ran its setup 
program. A small window titled "Setup" appears with a gas gauge and the 
text "Generations(R) 4.2 Setup is preparing the InstallShield(R) Wizard 
which will guide you through the rest of the setup process. Please 
wait.". The gauge goes up to 100%, a Sierra splash screen appears, and 
then a dialog box with no title, no contents, a white X on a red circle, 
and an OK button. There's a little icon on the title bar's left side 
that looks like a martini glass with a cherry in it to me.

The program exits after hitting OK.

Then I logged the program:wine --debugmsg 
+relay,+string,+text,+file,+dosfs /mnt/cdrom/setup >& wine.log

The result was 16 megs, which bzip2s down to a more manageable 260k.

Are there any users/developers out there who could tell me what to look 
for in the log file to find out what the message in the dialog box was 
supposed to be, so that I can help track this further? Does anyone want 
the log file?



-------------- next part --------------
;; All keys relative to \\Machine\\Software\\Wine\\Wine\\Config

;; MS-DOS drives configuration
;; Each section has the following format:
;; [Drive X]
;; "Path"="xxx"       (Unix path for drive root)
;; "Type"="xxx"       (supported types are 'floppy', 'hd', 'cdrom' and 'network')
;; "Label"="xxx"      (drive label, at most 11 characters)
;; "Serial"="xxx"     (serial number, 8 characters hexadecimal number)
;; "Filesystem"="xxx" (supported types are 'msdos'/'dos'/'fat', 'win95'/'vfat', 'unix')
;;   This is the FS Wine is supposed to emulate on a certain
;;   directory structure.
;;   Recommended:
;;   - "win95" for ext2fs, VFAT and FAT32
;;   - "msdos" for FAT16 (ugly, upgrading to VFAT driver strongly recommended)
;;   DON'T use "unix" unless you intend to port programs using Winelib !
;; "Device"="/dev/xx" (only if you want to allow raw device access)
[Drive A]
"Path" = "/mnt/floppy"
"Type" = "floppy"
"Label" = "Floppy"
"Serial" = "87654321"
"Device" = "/dev/fd0"

[Drive C]
"Path" = "/usr/share/wine-c"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "MS-DOS"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive D]
"Path" = "/mnt/cdrom"
"Type" = "cdrom"
"Label" = "CD-Rom"
"Filesystem" = "win95"
; make sure that device is correct and has proper permissions !
"Device" = "/dev/cdrom"

[Drive E]
"Path" = "/tmp"
"Type" = "hd"
"Label" = "Tmp Drive"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive F]
"Path" = "${HOME}"
"Type" = "network"
"Label" = "Home"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

[Drive Z]
"Path" = "/"
"Type" = "network"
"Label" = "Root"
"Filesystem" = "win95"

"Windows" = "c:\\windows"
"System" = "c:\\windows\\system"
"Temp" = "e:\\"
"Path" = "c:\\windows;c:\\windows\\system;e:\\;e:\\test;f:\\"
"Profile" = "c:\\windows\\Profiles\\Administrator"
"GraphicsDriver" = "x11drv"
; Wine doesn't pass directory symlinks to Windows programs by default.
; Enabling this may crash some programs that do recursive lookups of a whole
; subdir tree in case of a symlink pointing back to itself.
;"ShowDirSymlinks" = "1"
"ShellLinker" = "wineshelllink"

# <wineconf>

; "EXTRA_LD_LIBRARY_PATH" = "${HOME}/wine/cvs/lib"
"DefaultLoadOrder" = "native, builtin, so"

"commdlg"      = "builtin, native"
"comdlg32"     = "builtin, native"
"ver"          = "builtin, native"
"version"      = "builtin, native"
"shell"        = "builtin, native"
"shell32"      = "builtin, native"
"lzexpand"     = "builtin, native"
"lz32"         = "builtin, native"
"comctl32"     = "builtin, native"
"commctrl"     = "builtin, native"
"wsock32"      = "builtin"
"winsock"      = "builtin"
"advapi32"     = "builtin, native"
"crtdll"       = "builtin, native"
"mpr"          = "builtin, native"
"winspool.drv" = "builtin, native"
"ddraw"        = "builtin, native"
"dinput"       = "builtin, native"
"dsound"       = "builtin, native"
"mmsystem"     = "builtin"
"winmm"        = "builtin"
"msvcrt"       = "native, builtin"
"msvideo"      = "builtin, native"
"msvfw32"      = "builtin, native"
"mcicda.drv"   = "builtin, native"
"mciseq.drv"   = "builtin, native"
"mciwave.drv"  = "builtin, native"
"mciavi.drv"   = "native, builtin"
"mcianim.drv"  = "native, builtin"
"msacm.drv"    = "builtin, native"
"msacm"        = "builtin, native"
"msacm32"      = "builtin, native"
"midimap.drv"  = "builtin, native"
"wnaspi32"     = "builtin"
"icmp"         = "builtin"

; Number of colors to allocate from the system palette
"AllocSystemColors" = "100"
; Use a private color map
"PrivateColorMap" = "N"
; Favor correctness over speed in some graphics operations
"PerfectGraphics" = "N"
; Color depth to use on multi-depth screens
;;"ScreenDepth" = "16"
; Name of X11 display to use
;;"Display" = ":0.0"
; Allow the window manager to manage created windows
"Managed" = "N"
; Use a desktop window of 640x480 for Wine
;"Desktop" = "640x480"
; Use XFree86 DGA extension if present
"UseDGA" = "Y"
; Use XShm extension if present
"UseXShm" = "Y"
; Enable DirectX mouse grab
"DXGrab" = "N"
; Create the desktop window with a double-buffered visual
; (useful to play OpenGL games)
"DesktopDoubleBuffered" = "N"
; Code page used for captions in managed mode
; 0 means default ANSI code page (CP_ACP == 0)
"TextCP" = "0"
; Use this if you have more than one port for video on your setup 
; (Wine uses for now the first 'input image' it finds).
;; "XVideoPort" = "43"

;Read documentation/fonts before adding aliases
"Resolution" = "96"
"Default" = "-adobe-times-"

"Com1" = "/dev/ttyS0"
"Com2" = "/dev/ttyS1"
"Com3" = "/dev/ttyS2"
"Com4" = "/dev/modem"

"Lpt1" = "/dev/lp0"

"LPT1:" = "|lpr"
;"LPT2:" = "|gs -sDEVICE=bj200 -sOutputFile=/tmp/fred -q -"
;"LPT3:" = "/dev/lp3"

;"read" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"
; "write" = "0x779,0x379,0x280-0x2a0"

"Exclude" = "WM_SIZE;WM_TIMER;"

;These are all booleans.  Y/y/T/t/1 are true, N/n/F/f/0 are false.
;Defaults are read all, write to Home
; Global registries (stored in /etc)
"LoadGlobalRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Home registries (stored in ~user/.wine/)
"LoadHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Load Windows registries from the Windows directory
"LoadWindowsRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; TRY to write all changes to home registries
"WritetoHomeRegistryFiles" = "Y"
; Registry periodic save timeout in seconds
; "PeriodicSave" = "600"
; Save only modified keys
"SaveOnlyUpdatedKeys" = "Y"

;; supported styles are 'Win31'(default), 'Win95', 'Win98'
"WineLook" = "Win98"

;"Drivers" = "tty"
;"XtermProg" = "nxterm"
;"InitialRows" = "25"
;"InitialColumns" = "80"
;"TerminalType" = "nxterm"

"ClearAllSelections" = "0"
"PersistentSelection" = "1"

"Drivers" = "wineoss.drv"
"WaveMapper" = "msacm.drv"
"MidiMapper" = "midimap.drv"

# </wineconf>

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