WinME, Win2000: status

Dmitry Timoshkov dmitry at
Fri Sep 28 03:59:56 CDT 2001

"Sergey V. Udaltsov" <sergey.oudaltsov at> wrote:

> Some time ago I asked about support of WinME and Win2000. The answer
> was: not ready yet.
> These days, when people enjoy VSS under Linux, I have to admit I really
> need wine:)
> So in a word: can I use Wine with any of these OSes? Could anyone please
> point me out to the settings I need in my config file (I am especially
> interested in Profile option)?

Profile option by itself doesn't do anything magic in Wine. Wine runs
applications and it has nothing to do with "support of WinME and Win2000".
If you mean an optional use of DLLs from ME or 2000 it always only limited
by the implemented functionality of DLLs provided by Wine.


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