WinME, Win2000: status

gerard patel g.patel at
Fri Sep 28 09:17:48 CDT 2001

On Fri, 28 Sep 2001 12:14:57 +0100, "Sergey V. Udaltsov"
<sergey.oudaltsov at> wrote:

>"ole32"="builtin, native"
>I could leave
>*="native, builtin"
>and still run notepad...
>Does anybody know what's wrong with this library in Win2K?

Probably the Win2k ole32 is calling system functions
in ntdll (probably) that are not implemented by Wine.

OTOH, Notepad itself probably only does standard
calls to Ole32, calls that are sufficiently well emulated
by Wine.

So Notepad by itself works, but not if it tries to load
system Ms dlls. This is a pretty common situation, btw.

It is even normal : IMHO Wine's primary goal is not to
use Ms software, (wmvare and other similar products are
already doing that), but to run Win32 applications without
Ms system software. 


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