Converting Win fon-fonts to linux pcf fonts

Marcus Roeckrath marcus.roeckrath at
Sun Jan 27 03:45:35 CST 2002


I tried to convert win fon fonts to linux pcf fonts using fnt2bdf as it is 
described in the wine documentation.

On some fonts fnt2bdf said rthat there is no charset set information in the 
fon file so that the -c option has to be used.

But what charset option should be used for such fonts? fnt2bdf's help does 
print out a example where -c winsys is used, but never prints out all 
available charset options.

Are there other charset options available?


Gruss Marcus

Marcus Roeckrath -- Vikarsbusch 8 -- D-48308 Senden -- Germany
Phone  : +49-2536-9944 -- Mailer/BBS/Fax : +49-2536-9943 (V34, X75)
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