Printing problem

Lovie Lavarias loviel at
Fri Jun 28 16:12:00 CDT 2002


I installed codeweavers-wine20020411-6 on a Redhat 7.3. I tried running 
notepad.exe and Daceasy for Windows accounting appplication with ease. 
Both programs works very fine but only notepad .exe is able to print on 
my deskjet630C. I added

on my /home/lovie/.wine/config file.

when I invoked   wine notepad.exe or wine /DEA4/dea9.exe for daceasy, 
the following line repeatedly appears on my terminal:

fixme:psdrv:PSDRV_SelectBitmap stub
I was wondering why notepad.exe still prints with the above message 
while daceasy on the otherhand terminates.....

Please anybody help me.....

Thanks in advance....


Leonardo "Lovie" Lavarias Jr.
Hypertech Corporation, Philippines
snail mail : 2D freestar Arcade, Hernan Cortes St., Subangdaku,
		Mandaue City, Cebu, Philippines
Voice      : (6332)-345-0822  Fax:  (6332)-345-4009
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