Install application under WINE 20020228

James Richard Tyrer tyrerj at
Fri Mar 1 01:29:16 CST 2002

I tried to install PAF and got the following:

fixme:ole:CoSetState (0x653c3f80),stub!
fixme:ole:MkParseDisplayName (0x403d39e0, L"StdOle32.tlb", 0x405a6624,
0x46000000): stub.
fixme:ole:CoSetState ((nil)),stub!
fixme:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to Marshal the interface, 80070057?
fixme:ole:_LocalServerThread CoMarshalInterface failed, 80070057!
fixme:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to Marshal the interface, 80070057?
fixme:ole:_LocalServerThread CoMarshalInterface failed, 80070057!
fixme:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to Marshal the interface, 80070057?
fixme:ole:_LocalServerThread CoMarshalInterface failed, 80070057!
fixme:ole:CoMarshalInterface Failed to Marshal the interface, 80070057?
fixme:ole:_LocalServerThread CoMarshalInterface failed, 80070057!

I presume that his means that it still isn't implemented.


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