IE6: Using native Ole problem

lawson_whitney at lawson_whitney at
Sun Mar 10 16:31:53 CST 2002

On Sun, 10 Mar 2002, Sylvain Petreolle wrote:

> Hi,
> Running wine,
> I have a stub when I use the built-in version of ole.
> So wanting to disable it for testing IE 6 with this:
> "oleaut32" = "native"
> "ole32" = "native"
> "olecli" = "native"
> "oledlg" = "native"
> "olepro32" = "native"
> "olesvr" = "native"
> gives me :
> fixme:ole:RpcServerRegisterIf2
> (0x403f4274,(nil),(nil),3,65535,4294967295,0x7ff83cce):
> stub

That particular one is rpcrt4, as you can see with tools/findfunc (you
might have to make it executable first):

Function: tools/../dlls/rpcrt4/rpcrt4.spec:@ stdcall RpcServerRegisterIf2(ptr ptr ptr long long long ptr) RpcServerRegisterIf2
> Could someone tell where is the list of built-in OLE
> dlls ? Or is there no way to use native one in this
> case ?
I gusee native rpcrt4 might do it, if you have one.


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