Windows 3.0 apps can't find their files

Mark Knecht mknecht at
Tue Dec 16 11:55:19 CST 2003

> I just tried it with a shorter pathname, but it doesn't seem to make a
> difference. All my paths were already 8.3 suitable though.
> What paths could the program be reading from the 'Windows' ini files? It
> seems to be unable to find its own files, it wouldn't be logical if it
> needed a path from an ini file to find its own files.

   Since I also had part of my path that didn't fit the 8.3 model, I tried
this last night with Caesar 3, but it didn't help. Caesar 3 runs fine if I
CD to /home/mark/.winex-cvs/fake_windows/SIERRA/Caesar and then run winex --
c3.exe, but nothing I've tried so far allows it to work without the cd


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