problems installing dcom98

Bruno Santos bvsantos at
Tue Apr 20 13:36:36 CDT 2004

Hello. For 2 days i've tryed to install ie6 and no sucess

i cant install dcom98, and this is the reason:

err:thunk:_loadthunk (W95INF16.DLL, w95thk_ThunkData16, W95INF32.DLL): 
Unable to load 'W95INF16.DLL', error 2
the file w95inf16 is present.
after adding w95inf16.dll ~/.wine/config, the error is another:

now it cant load keyboard.dll and setup.dll

this is my cmd line:
WINEDLLOVERRIDES="ole32=n" wine dcom98.exe

how can i solve this ??

Im using Red Hat Enterprise Linux AS release 3 (Taroon)


Bruno Santos
bvsantos at
Hospital Amato Lusitano
Castelo Branco

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