Ghost Multicast Server (dosghsrv.exe)

Eric Becker Eric.Becker at
Wed Jan 7 16:20:51 CST 2004

I'm trying to get ghost multicast server to work using wine.  I figured
the dos multicast server (dosghsrv.exe) would be easier to use than the
full blown windows version.  

I installed the wine rpm from my distro (suse 8.2) cd.  I put a link in
the ~/.wine/fake_windows to the dir that is holding dosghsrv.exe and my
ghost image.  I execute the multicast server:

wine dosghsrv.exe "c:\images\common.gho" test

I get a fairly long string of errors.  I'm guessing that most of them
can be ignored.  The biggest problem I'm running into is that dosghsrv
complains that the network is down.  How do I configure the multicast
server and wine to utilize my network card?  Here's some of the errors
I'm getting. 

fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int:DOSVM_Int10Handler Unknown - 0xfe
err:int:DOSVM_Int10Handler int10: unknown/not implemented parameters:
int10: AX fe01, BX 0000, CX d575, DX b9bc, SI b9e0, DI 0000, DS 0000, ES

Symantec GhostCast Server for DOS V7.5.0.335 (c) Symantec Corporation

RMLStartup failed: Network is down.

Now listening for clients asking for session <test>...

  >>> Press any key to stop accepting clients and start transmission.

fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Get Processor Exception Handler Vector
fixme:int31:DOSVM_Int31Handler Set Processor Exception Handler Vector

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