Why isn't everyone compiling wine

phrostie pfrostie at yahoo.com
Sat May 22 14:00:55 CDT 2004

it's not that i'm afraid of compiling my own, but with the package managers in 
modern distributions it's normally best to keep everything under the control 
of rpm, dpkg, apt-get or what ever. 

On Sat May 22 2004 06:21 am, Kristiaan Lenaerts wrote:
> Hi
> My guess is that a lot of people are afraid of compiling. I have to
> admit I did the same when I just started using linux, having to learn
> how to install a program, using a package-manager... I was afraid of
> using self-compiled things, because I had no idea how to uninstall it if
> it did't work. Working with packages gives *some* comfort, because
> that's easy to use, and that's the way the system installed itself (and
> updates itself).
> Also, not knowing where programs go after they are compiled, what all
> those "/usr/lib /usr/bin ..." dirs are, what has to go where... It is so
> comfusing at first, that I can imagine that most people (I did) just use
> the package manager, it just works (most of the time).
> But I do agree, since I started compiling wine (gentoo - now using the
> cvs), a lot of things just worked that didn't before. Now, it is well
> possible that has more to do with the version of wine, than actually
> compiling it yourself, but the packages are outdated most of the time...
> just my experience...
> Krist
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Oh i've slipped the surly bonds of DOS 
and danced the skies on Linux silvered wings.

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