[Wine]Debugging advice

Walt Ogburn reuben at ugcs.caltech.edu
Sat Oct 16 17:25:23 CDT 2004

Hi folks,

I am trying to debug a scientific / engineering application called SRIM
(www.srim.org, particularly the batch-mode version of SRIM 2003 called
"SRModule").  This is my first experience with a debugger like winedbg, so
I am still learning how best to use it.

My question for now is: given a known breakpoint, and a value to watch (in
this case $ecx), is there an easy way to find the last instruction before
the breakpoint that changed this value?  The only way I know of to do this
so far is to set an earlier breakpoint and spend a whole lot of time stepping
through instructions.

Depending on how the debugging goes, I'll probably ask some more specific
questions about the exceptions I'm seeing.  The first problem was pretty
straightforward, and is successfully fixed, so that's an encouraging


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