[Wine]mulit user system redirecting My Documents

David Lee Lambert lamber45 at cse.msu.edu
Wed Sep 8 15:20:53 CDT 2004

On Fri, Sep 03, 2004 at 10:52:09PM -0400, michael at cherryblossom.homelinux.com wrote:
> On Thu, Sep 02, 2004 at 12:09:08PM -0600, Jerry Buburuz wrote:
> > 
> > I allow all users to access "/usr/wine/.wine", I want to redirect 
> > "/usr/wine/.wine/fake_windows/My Documents" to a $HOME/My Documents. Is 
> > there a way I can do this? Is it as simple as adding a reg key?

Add a value "Personal" to the key 

"HKEY_CURRENT_USER\Software\Microsoft\Windows\CurrentVersion\Explorer\Shell Folders"

in each user's $HOME/.wine/user.reg with the desired "My Documents" path as data.  
You might also want to set the "Desktop", "AppData", "Favorites", and "Start Menu" 
keys...  However,  I would advise a slightly different approach:

1.  Choose a drive (for instance, P: for "personal") that will be mapped directly to 
each user's home directory.  That way,  if you decide to use samba, dosemu, lsh or 
ncpfs,  you can point it at the same directory for the "per-user home" drive.


for n in `perl -ne 'split /:/; print "$_[0] " if $_[1]>999' /etc/passwd`
  mkdir -p /home/$n/.wine/dosdevices
  cd /home/$n/.wine/dosdevices
  ln -s ../.. p:
  echo -n "$n's personal files" >../../.wine_label

3.  Instruct users to always save their files on the "P" drive.

resume at  http://www.cse.msu.edu/~lamber45/resume.htm
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