[Wine]Translation of winetools: fr.po

Brouard Nicolas nicolas.brouard at libertysurf.fr
Mon Feb 21 06:09:44 CST 2005

** Message sent again without the attachment of fr.po for information to

Dear Joachim,
I spent some time during the weekend translating winetools into French.
Please find attached the corresponding file fr.po .

I used xemacs and it is still in ISO8859-1.

For other eventual translators: translation requires about 2 to 3 hours.
And an additional hour to check. Just copy the English
winetools/po/wt2.pot to xx.po and edit xx.po with xemacs. With 'u' and
'return' you will get a second window into which you can type the
translated sentences. Control-c Control-c will enter the translated
sentence into the xx.po buffer. 

Once finished, verify and install with command (you should adapt):
# msgfmt /usr/local/winetools/po/fr.po
-o /usr/local/share/locale/fr/LC_MESSAGES/wt2.mo

I hope that the translation is ok with only few typos.

I am sure that translating winetools will help Wine to spread.



PS: Copy to wine-users mailing list. Don't know if the attached file
will reach the mailing list.

Brouard Nicolas <nicolas.brouard at libertysurf.fr>
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