[Wine]Specific Font with wine

James E. LaBarre jamesl at bestweb.net
Tue Jul 19 14:08:28 CDT 2005

>I just copy my fonts into the [fake c
>drive]/windows/fonts folder, and that's it! :)

For that matter, if you have a dual-boot system, just symlink them.  On my
system, where I have C: mounted at /c, I just go to
~/.wine/drive_c/windows/fonts, then do "ln -s /c/windows/Fonts/*.ttf .",
and "ln -s /c/windows/Fonts/*.fon ."

This has the benefit for the legally-stringent folks out there to having
the Windows fonts only "installed" under a legitimate copy of Windows (on
the Win partition).  Of course, such issues don't bother me anyway, but it
*does* save on file space in your home directory.

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