[Wine]msi failure from program installation CD

karllinuxtest.relton at ntlworld.com karllinuxtest.relton at ntlworld.com
Sat Jul 23 14:01:54 CDT 2005

Hi all

I am using Wine 20050524, and trying to install Art Explosion Greetings Card Factory - which was successful on a version of wine about 5 months ago.

Now I get lots of errors like the following, and then eventual complete failure:

err:msi:ACTION_InstallFiles Unable to move/copy file (L"Z:\\cdrom\\GCF\\PROGRA~1\\ARTEXP~1\\GREETI~1\\Wizards\\ANNOUN~1\\STRICT~1\\PROMOT~1.LAX" -> L"c:\\Program Files\\Art Explosion\\Greeting Card Factory\\Wizards\\Announcements\\Strictly
Business\\Promotion.lax") (error 3)

Now z:\\cdrom points to my cdrom mount point, where the
installation CD is mounted as a regular iso9660 cd.

The path it seems to want to use is using 'dos' type
names, rather than the full names that I can see on the
disk. By listing the dirs on the CD, I can see full names
such as 'prgram files' instead of 'PROGRA~1'.

Is this a bug in the 'msi' module, or do I need some weird
mount option on the CD?

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