[Wine] Re: Wine is very slow

Molle Bestefich molle.bestefich at gmail.com
Sat Apr 29 18:06:18 CDT 2006

C. J. Clegg wrote:
> Today has been a VERY slow spam day here.  I'm only up to 184 pieces
> of spam today.  Usually it's around 400 on average, each and every
> day.

Heh, sucks.  Some people are harder hit than others.
But it does seem to come and go in waves.

Maybe you can configure your spam filter to tag your emails with how
high it thinks a particular mail scores, you could probably have
your mailer send 3/4 of that mail into the wastebin without even
looking at it?

> That would be fine, but you really should hide the email
> addresses of the people who post on the mailing lists,

Our addresses are in a wide range of mailing list archives
all over the net, noone has complained about that yet.  I'm
sure that spammers harvest addresses from those.

> otherwise they're sure to see a huge upswell of spam in their
> mailboxes (spam filters notwithstanding) and they'll be mighty
> pissed off once they find out how it happened.

Unsubstantiated claims...

You don't know which particular areas of the net the spammers'
scripts are working with right now.

I think they most likely spend a lot of time harvesting from blogs,
and very little time on usenet where a lot of people hide their
email addresses and everybody else is very unlikely to follow a
link in a spam mail since they probably hate spam so much.

(I know spammers sell products by "how many addresses they'll
 reach", but there's got to be some kind of return for their
 customers, otherwise they would be out of business very quickly.)

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