[Wine] Wine sources compilation questions

Roberto linuxbox at infinito.it
Sat Aug 26 04:15:04 CDT 2006

Alle 00:09, sabato 26 agosto 2006, felix at compsoc.nuigalway.ie ha scritto:
> On Fri, Aug 25, 2006 at 08:22:13AM -0700, Randall Svancara wrote:
> > Maybe they run "strip" on the wine libraries.  I believe it removes
> > all the debugging information and what not.  Can someone else
> > corroborate this form me?
> >
> > I am not sure about compiling individual files.
> I believe most rpm based distros run a script on the installed files to
> extract all the debug info which is then copied to another location and
> is included in a wine-debuginfo package. Thus all the binaries in the
> standard packages are stripped for normal use, and if you need to
> perform some debugging you just install the debuginfo package.
> At least that's how it works on RHEL4, FC3-5. Not sure about older
> versions, or other rpm based distros.

I've verified that running the 'strip -x -v *' command against my Wine object 
libs reduces the modules size more than ten times. Its size now it is about 
the same as for the rpm installed modules.

I've not found a solution yet to recompile only one module if, for example, I 
need to test different patches against the same source.


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