[Wine] CFileDialog::OnFolderChange() problem with Customized file open dialog

ravinderonly at gmail.com ravinderonly at gmail.com
Thu Jun 15 06:11:12 CDT 2006

Hello Friends,

I am currently working on making a windows program function in wine. it
works for the most part, so i'm trying to iron out a few critical bugs.
first off... i'm looking at microsoft's CFileDialog class - it is what
the standard windows 'open file' and 'save file' dialog windows use.
the problem is this: CFileDialog has a built in function called
OnFolderChange, that is used to determine whether the user has changed
folders in the dialog, whether by double click or what not.. the
program i'm working on overrides the CFileDialog class, and includes
more code for the OnFolderChange function (and for other functions) for
its own
purposes. the new OnFolderChange function works perfectly fine in
windows, but is completely ignored when using wine - it never even gets
called, while the rest of the dialog window retains all of its intended

Ravinder Singh

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