[Wine] Serial port woes

CptDondo yan at NsOeSiPnAeMr.com
Fri Jun 16 11:08:38 CDT 2006

I am trying to get an app called GMWIN running.  It installs and runs, 
but it cannot communicate via the serial ports.  It is a controller for 
PLCs, and its purpose is to talk to PLCs via serial ports, so this is 

Here's the error I am getting (the NIY-hEvent is repeated many times):

[i386]yan at TravelSlug:~$ wine "c:/gmwin_4/gmwin"
err:thunk:_loadthunk (DLL16.DLL, thk_ThunkData16, DLL32.DLL): Unable to 
load 'DLL16.DLL', error 2
fixme:win:RegisterDeviceNotificationA (hwnd=0x1004e, 
filter=0x7faae13c,flags=0x00000000), STUB!
err:x11drv:X11DRV_CreateWindow invalid window width -2
err:x11drv:X11DRV_CreateWindow invalid window width -2
fixme:comm:SetupComm insize 4096 outsize 4096 unimplemented stub
fixme:ntdll:NtWriteFile NIY-hEvent
fixme:ntdll:NtWriteFile NIY-hEvent
fixme:ntdll:NtWriteFile NIY-hEvent
fixme:ntdll:NtWriteFile NIY-hEvent

Is this a file IO error?  In other words, is this program failing 
because it can't access the local file system?  Or is it something in 
the serial IO that's messing it up?

Googling doesn't help; the only thing I find says, we should't be here. 

Does this mean it can't read from the serial port?


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