[Wine] Running XP programs in wine

Alan McKinnon alan.mckinnon at gmail.com
Tue Feb 19 14:41:51 CST 2008

On Tuesday 19 February 2008, Dotan Cohen wrote:
> Now that we're running as XP, the confounded thing wants "Internet
> Explorer greater than or equal to 5.1". How can I install IE?

winetricks has a "fakeie6' argument to fool apps into thinking IE6 is 
installed whether it is or not. I can never remember the URL for 
winetricks, so google for "winetricks Dan Kegel"

Some apps require all of IE6 to be installed and working. It's been a 
while since I checked this out, and you should only do it if IE won't 
install by itself, you can use ies4linux to shove a square IE6 peg into 
a round Linux hole.

ies4linux is generally not recommended as the best solution, as using it 
deprives the wine devs of valuable feedback that could be used to 
improve wine itself. It is useful however, for those apps that can be 
gotten to run no other way and for users who absolutely require the app 
to run.

Alan McKinnon
alan dot mckinnon at gmail dot com

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