[Wine] How to improve gaming performance?

Austin English austinenglish at gmail.com
Mon Apr 13 16:10:43 CDT 2009

On Mon, Apr 13, 2009 at 3:12 PM, Daemon <wineforum-user at winehq.org> wrote:
> vitamin wrote:
>> David Gerard wrote:
>> > I've heard that anecdotally, but - do we have any solid figures on this?
>> It highly depends on how much noise there is.
>> If game prints 100s of lines per frame, that will be huge. Also some distros/setups redirect all X output into a file... You can guess how big it will get over time and how much it will slow things down.
>  At least on Ubuntu, all output gets redirected to /home/(user)/.xsession-errors for general degugging/basic system information/etc. Once the .xsession-error file gets to 195KB it ignores anymore output,or input into the file if you like. I think this sort of thing is all subjective, it runs faster(?) because you think it runs faster.

There are definite cases of terminal output slowing applications down.
To simulate it, try running your app with +all.

It doesn't happen often, but can. Especially when games follow
unexpected paths and lots of err's are produced, or a path is hit
repeatedly with the same fixme over and over.


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