[Wine] Re: [SOLVED] C&C Red Alert 3 - Lan (and also hamachi) play

MarcoBR wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Aug 6 13:35:11 CDT 2009

1. First establish a VPN. I use a bridged VPN set up with OpenVPN. It works fine.
The VPN client created a tap0 interface with the IP
2. Re-route packets for to your VPN interface (Here tap0)
# route add host dev tap0
3. In /etc/hosts, remove any reference to your hostname (TACHIBANA here) and, on the first line, add : TACHIBANA
4. Compile this little hack made by Raphael : http://hughes.homelinux.org:8080/~raphael/bind_hack.tar.bz2 . On a 64 bits machine, here's how I compiled this little hack :
$ cc bind_hack.c -o bind_hack.so -O2 -fPIC -Wall -shared -lc -nostdlib -m32
5. Launch RA3 with wine, while preloading this little hack.
/path/to/RA3$ LD_PRELOAD=/tmp/bind_hack/bind_hack.so wine RA3
6. Connect on the Lobby and check if you see your friends.
7. Create a game, let the users connect, choose their team, ...
8. Launch the game
9. Play
10. ?????
11. Profit ! 

Sorry for bumping this thread but, could you elaborate step 1?
I'm trying to set up a bridged vpn with openvpn

does it need ssl and such too?

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