[Wine] Re: Anyone out there running Dragon Age:Origins on SNOW LEOPARD?

doh123 wineforum-user at winehq.org
Mon Dec 21 15:50:28 CST 2009

Dragon Age released for the Mac today... official Cider port.... just for the info...

you should be able to launch it and wine will use it and not launch X11... but I've seen issues with that... somehow only works right if you run Wine from the Xterm inside X11.

but for making Macports installed Xquartz the default X11?  not too tough, and the best bet.... heres how.

Your gonna have permission issues, so here is how I do it, to get around that.  The plist edit should open in Property List Editor since you have Xcode installed.

In Terminal, type...

open /System/Library/LaunchAgents/org.x.startx.plist

edit the line that says "/usr/X11/bin/startx" to "/opt/local/bin/startx"

save it with the same name onto your desktop, since it wont let you save in the current folder.

then in terminal, type...

sudo mv ~/Desktop/org.x.startx.plist /System/Library/LaunchAgents

type your admin password when prompted....

Theres some way to restart the launch agents, but I forget... easiest at that point is just to reboot (no idea if log out and in works)... but after a reboot, anytime anything tries to run in X11, it'll launch the Macports installed version, not Apples.

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