[Wine] Re: Best OS

asmith wineforum-user at winehq.org
Fri Jun 19 00:41:06 CDT 2009

Thanks for the replay. 

The host is not offering me Ubuntu. Just the 3 OS mentioned above. 
You probably would laugh ;), But I've never used a linux for my pc. I've been on linux servers only for sites I work on, A combination of apache and php5. 
I've never touched one closely. 

So these names of different OS are all the same for me. (Fedora just "sound" a better name to me)

I've searched a bit for "best os for wine" or some similar. But nothing special came up. As you called it a flame bait, I guess they must be all equal but with  their own pros and cons. 

Still I'd like to see more replies. I've got some windows image converters, That I'd like to know how fast Wine handle executing them.

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