[Wine] Re: Anyone who is experienced with wine and/or CrossOver

moniec15 wineforum-user at winehq.org
Wed Mar 18 13:32:07 CDT 2009

Thanks for the update Sam!

Could you post your computer's stats and how you were trying to run the game? Perhaps sharing this information will provide someone more experienced a better insight into what went wrong in your case.

Here is an interesting tidbit. So this game runs fine on Linux (http://appdb.winehq.org/objectManager.php?sClass=version&iId=14853). 

How can we now get this to run on Mac? I am in the process of downloading all the stuff sp, Michi, and Andreas Marschall used to get it to work on their systems, but am not sure if it will work since I am on OS 10.5.6. Anyone know whether or not downloading what they used should work on OSX?

Almost there guys!

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