[Wine] When rebuilding new 1.3 version, uninstall first?

James McKenzie jjmckenzie51 at earthlink.net
Sun Aug 8 18:49:18 CDT 2010

Kurtosis wrote:
> When pulling a new version of the Wine1.3 source from Git, do I need to first uninstall the current the current wine1.3 before building and installing the new version?  
> If so, what's the command for that, since Wine1.3 is installed with tools/wineinstall instead of make install?  Or do I use 'make uninstall' anyway?  Or can I just overwrite the old version?
How you remove the old version of Wine depends on how you installed it.  
If you used something like Synaptic or yum you have to use the remove 
version of the command.  If you installed it from source, you can use 
the make uninstall command.

James McKenzie

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