[Wine] second x-server window has no sound. Please help!

deckoff wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sun Aug 28 10:52:01 CDT 2011

This is not WINE, but more xinit question, so I am sorry if anyone is offended.
I searched for two days for an answer that works for me , and did not get any answer in Ubuntu forums.I ask this question here, because it seems a lot of people run their win games in separate windows, so I hope on who knows might be willing to help.
My problem Every game I run starts and works OK in a separate x-window session , but no sound...
Games will have sound, when started in the default graphic environment.

This is the command I use to run a game:( the example given is for Heroes3, but is true for every game)

> cd '/home/deckoff/.wine/drive_c/Program Files/GOG.com/Heroes of Might and Magic 3 Complete' && xinit /usr/bin/sudo -u deckoff /usr/share/playonlinux/playonlinux --run "Heroes3" $* -- :1

My searches found, that I will have to use 
> ck-launch-session
n to provide sound... I simply dont know how to use this and when to execute. ( If yu think this might solve problem, pls step by step how to)
Some bonus info - executing the command from tty1 when logged in, will provide sound for the tty, but not in the x-window
I use Ubuntu 11.04 (kubuntu on the pc I run, and Ubuntu on my desktop) I now Ubuntu uses pulseaudio( AFAIK), and pulseaudio does not work very well with WINE (although games do have sound when run form KDE or gnome.
Any info and help welcome, thank you in advance

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