[Wine] Re: No connection to mysqld

jheid wineforum-user at winehq.org
Sun Feb 27 01:03:43 CST 2011

Martin Gregorie wrote:
> The Mysql 5.5 manual clearly says that the Windows version uses a Unix
> socket file rather than a TCP/IP port if you set the host name to
> localhost or didn't specify one. 

I used mysql -h -p <port>

Martin Gregorie wrote:
> If this is the case, I wouldn't expect
> telnet to find it because it only works over TCP/IP. Find out what port
> mysqld is listening on.

I set the listening port in the command line. It's quite simple to test: telnet on this port gives an error message when the mysqld.exe isn't started otherwise I get the connection. Same with mysql. So, the socket is opened but the communication fails.

Martin Gregorie wrote:
> Why are you running the Windows version rather than the native Linux
> version of mysqld anyway?  Any Windows program should be able to talk to
> the Linux version using a TCP connection *and* you can start the Linux
> version as a service and leave it running 24/7 while the Windows version
> under Wine will be killed when you log out, just like anything else
> running under Wine.

I want to use it to generate an installer for Windows. I want to import a dump and pack this into the installer. The import takes a while that's why I don't want to import a file while installation. That's the same I would do using Postgres for instance.

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