[Wine] The Big List of Steam Games on GNU/Linux, the wiki!

flibitijibibo wineforum-user at winehq.org
Wed May 4 16:40:23 CDT 2011

Hello everyone!

I've spent the last couple of months working on a wiki that contains what the thread title says: a list of Steam games that are either native to GNU/Linux or are runnable in Wine, categorized by their AppDB rankings. A bunch of people at the Steam forums have been working on it, but it looks like a lot of people here use Steam to get their games, so it seemed to make sense to post here:


I should note that this is NOT some attempt to replace the WineHQ AppDB. In fact, we depend on the AppDB to have the most accurate information. However, we think that this makes a great reference site for those of us that use Steam, and we'd really appreciate any help we can get in making it as complete/updated as possible.


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