[Wine] Re: Wine no works in lubuntu

din99 wineforum-user at winehq.org
Thu Oct 20 05:21:57 CDT 2011

I'm testing on Ubuntu Lucid/Natty/Oneiric/Precise i386 & Metaquotes MT4/MT5:

This what i get at load time with Metaquotes 5 (winecfg dont warn):

Time : 2011.10.19 14:33 (99:59:59)
Program : Client Terminal
Version : 500.523 (13 Oct 2011)
Revision : 36278
OS : Windows XP Professional Service Pack 3 (Build 2600) on Wine
Processors : 4 x Intel Pentium 4 2.40GHz
Memory : 3301 free of 3897 Mb
Virtual : 2047 free of 2047 Mb
CrashMD5 : 3C9A63785EA4663AA01859D2602A00E0
Exception : C0000005 at 0041B42B write to 7DD8BC40

Modules : 00400000 00A72000 terminal.exe (

0041B120:0030B [0041B42B] #663 (terminal.exe)

Registers : EAX=00000001 EIP=0041B42B EFLGS=00210212 ES=007b
            : EBX=FFFFFFFF ESP=0033F71C EBP=7DD8BC44 FS=0033
            : ECX=00000000 ESI=007F4C78 CS=0073 GS=003b
            : EDX=00000064 EDI=007F4C78 DS=007b SS=007b

logged into .xsession-errors:

err:seh:setup_exception_record nested exception on signal stack in thread 0020 eip 7d380b19 esp 7ffd7970 stack 0xae2000-0xbe0000
err:seh:setup_exception_record nested exception on signal stack in thread 0030 eip 7d523b19 esp 7ffd7970 stack 0xae2000-0xbe0000

fixme:dbghelp:validate_addr64 Unsupported address ffffffffb7640000

More testing on Oneiric i386 & Metaquotes (MT4 &MT5)

Oneiric & wine 1.3.29 : both MT4 & MT5 loads & runs fine (natty ppa)

Oneiric & wine 1.3.30 : MT4 runs fine, but MT5 crash (natty ppa)
Oneiric & wine 1.3.30 : MT4 runs fine, but MT5 crash (oneiric ppa)

Oneiric & wine 1.3.28 (genuine oneiric package): MT4 & MT5 runs fine 

So wine 1.3.30 needs some tweaks.

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